🛜Multiple Chains Tokenomic

By expanding to multiple blockchains, Bomb Crypto aims to create a more robust, accessible as well as bring convenience to users. Bomb Crypto's presence on multichains opens the door to a wider range of users, including those who prefer specific blockchains or have existing assets on different networks. This inclusivity fosters a more diverse and vibrant community.


  • Each chain has 100 million tokens, which include both real tokens and cloned tokens. If there are N chains, they collectively have N * 100 million tokens.

  • Real tokens are those that are not locked in the bridge and can be directly used within their respective chain.

  • Cloned tokens, on the other hand, are tokens that are locked in the bridge abutment (Chain B), awaiting the bridging of real tokens from Chain A. Once the real tokens from Chain A are bridged, the cloned tokens in Chain B become real tokens, and the real tokens in Chain A become cloned tokens

Present: game on BNB and Polygon

If there are N chains

When: game on BNB, Polygon and Ton

If there are N chains The number of real and cloned tokens on each chain will vary depending on users and the market through the bridge. Example Diagram

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